If you’ll cook up a liking for me
My Valentine
I’ll waiter round for you

I collect vintage valentines and all stuff feline. So here you go! This is an anthropomorphic valentine, circa 1930s. The diecut valentine stands 4 1/2″ tall and folds in four places. The manufacturer is unknown.

Look at that face!

Whimsical, fun and lots of detail






This month’s Catnip Connection is a seven-year anniversary tribute to Dawnie who passed over to Rainbow Bridge on January 29, 2013. I got acquainted with Dawnie in the award-winning Catsong book written by my friend T. J. Banks. Dawnie and T. J.’s lives mirrored one another as conveyed in this passage: “We’ve both experienced motherhood, love and loss and struggled our way through that last one. When she comes to me now and walks over my work, demanding a head-scritch, or snuggles under the blankets next to me, purring, I can’t help smiling to myself, no matter what kind of day it has been.”

My experience is some animal bonds are formed deep and strong and touch each other’s soul. T. J. echoes this feeling in Catsong: “Chemistry–kindred spirits, soul mates, call it what you will–is a funny thing. There’s no dictating it. Somehow two souls knit together and stay knitted together, no matter what. Even death cannot undo those ethereal skeins.” I believe she developed such a bond with Dawnie. I love how she recently described their relationship as “titanium steel strong”.


Tribute to Dawnie
By Linda A. Mohr

You were my heart
A titanium steel strong soul connection.
You were my Dawnreader, my Dawnstar
My beautiful red Abyssinian.

Twelve and a half years
You graced the circle of my life.
Four thousand five hundred sixty-two days
Blessed scritch and snuggle time.

You taught me about heart matters,
How to take heart and
How to endure my heart
Being broken wide open.

You taught me to trust in time
Good things can root in a broken heart
Like hope, faith and joy.
Especially joy.

My dear Dawnreader
Forever in my heart
Forever my joyful connection
Forever more, my Dawnstar.


Dawnie’s portrait by artist Sally Logue
Catsong by T. J. Banks, stanzas three and four adaptation

Warm Purrs!

I cannot be in this breathtaking scene and be unhappy. Omni Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC

In 2010, I created my first ABCs of Gratitude list.  I look forward to this project every November. The simple yet thought-provoking exercise is a unique way to reflect on the year. I label a sheet of paper A through Z and  fill in with blessings.

According to Ingrid King gratitude is a wonderful way to raise your vibration and shift your energy. The vibration of gratitude is a powerful force. It can shift your mood and your thoughts from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance. Wayne Dyer believed that if you get to a place of gratitude you will experience peace. Be in a state of gratitude for everything because there is something to learn in everything. Be grateful even for the pain because there are lessons to be learned.

In keeping with my annual Thanksgiving month tradition, my 2019  blessings are listed below. I always compare my list to prior years. Some years have more peaks, and other years have more valleys. But, I always find 26 blessings.

My ABCs of Gratitude for 2019

Auction…Midwest country the best

Biltmore Estate…tea and 63 Christmas trees


Crossnore…sponsor 7 children at Crossnore School & Children’s Home

DAR…school committee state award

Exercise…Parkinson’s meds

Friends…long leisurely lunch visits

Grove Park Inn…stay in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Room

Heaven Sent Anthology…Rose and the Six Kittens

Interview…Davis Phinney Parkinson’s Ambassador

July… Missouri Vacation

Kice…summer visit with my 7th & 8th grade teacher

Teacher and Student

Love…of family, friends and Joe

Micanopy…historic Florida “antiques” town

Nine-Years-Old…birthday siblings



Okun MD…movement disorder specialist

Pink Boxing Gloves…KitKat is my name

Wanna Fight?

Quiet Time…read, reflect, rest

Rock Steady Boxing…trainer Shanda

Sixty-Nine…birthday party at Teapots & Treasures

Specialty–Orange Cake

Tent House…Termites Gone

University of FL…movement disorder center of excellence

Victoria Vacation…sister Donna

The Two Sisters

Writing…profiling creative people with Parkinson’s

Artist Michele Keir-Rhode Island

X-Ray…Dr. Cohn

Yoga Class…balance benefit

Zone Out…when being creative

What are you thankful for today and for this year?


Vigilant Duo

Whatever is hiding behind the cement step does not have a chance! Boots and Rosebud are quite patient. I see determination in Boot’s eyes. What attracted me to this shot is the contrast of textures–soft cat fur, stiff whiskers, a cracked step, sprawling plants and algae. The cats exhibit stillness, yet there is a feeling that at any moment there will be pouncing action.

The soft subdued colors of the algae growth allows the vividness of the cats’ coloring to stand out.



Photo Credit:  Linda A. Mohr

This photo first appeared in Linda Mohr’s 2019 cat calendar.

L to R, cousin Eloise, Linda, Mother, childhood friend Mary

A memory from the archives

Ten years ago in June I was honored to be interviewed by Ingrid King, founder of Conscious Cat. Since that time, she has written five fabulous cat books.

One of the questions she asked was:

Linda, “Tatianna” is your first book.  How did you become a writer?

When I was in high school, I entered an essay contest sponsored by Rural Electric Area Cooperative. Winning writers won an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.  I still have the essay and a photo album full of memories! In my mid-twenties, I worked on a college text on the psychology of clothing, but the publisher decided against it. I taught microwave cooking classes in Palm Beach County, and I have unpublished chapters of a microwave cookbook. I wrote Bobbin’ Along sewing column for a local newspaper during that decade as well.

So I have dabbled in writing for a long time. My mother recalls me announcing when I was younger that someday I would write a book. Decades later, Tatianna was placed in my life to finally help me accomplish that goal. The best part is that my mother sat next to me at my book signings!

If you would like to read the whole interview, please visit here

Bountiful Blessings!




Happy Birthday Grace and Chauncey


Grace Photo Taken 1-25-19


Chauncey Photo Taken 3-6-19

A Little History


On August 29, 2010, the three of us flew from St. Louis to West Palm Beach. These two kittens were part of a litter of six adorable fur babies that Rose delivered on June 13, 2010. The nameless kitties were itty bitty and fit in one small carrier. What an adventurous journey we have had the past nine years! Grace and Chauncey bring Joe and me incredible joy and make us laugh everyday. They are inseparable. When they are not lazing about in the pink guest bedroom tormenting Maggie Mae, my tortie stray, they are in my office playing their Muse role.

I know my brother is giving their sister Rosebud and brothers Angus, Tigger and Bootsie extra special treats today. We miss all of you and Mom Rose bunches.

Bountiful Blessings!


Among The Bunnies

Chauncey, Grace, Maggie Mae and I wish you a Happy Easter. We hope you enjoy this antique Raphael Tuck & Sons postcard printed in England.





Chauncey, Grace, and Maggie Mae at Catnip Connection wish you a Happy 2019. They helped me pick out this vintage 1904 Raphael Tuck & Sons postcard designed in England and chromographed in Germany,



Missouri Cotton Candy Sunset

If you only say one prayer in a day, make it ‘Thank You’Rumi

In 2010, I created my first ABCs of Gratitude list.  I now look forward to this project every November. The simple yet thought-provoking exercise is a unique way to reflect on the year. Grab a sheet of paper and label it A through Z. Fill in with your blessings. If you get stuck on a letter, a dictionary is permitted!

Wayne Dyer believed that if you get to a place of gratitude you will experience peace. Be in a state of gratitude for everything because there is something to learn in everything. Be grateful even for the pain because there are lessons to be learned from it. According to Ingrid King gratitude is a wonderful way to raise your vibration and shift your energy. The vibration of gratitude is a powerful force. It can shift your mood and your thoughts from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance.

In keeping with my annual Thanksgiving month tradition, my 2018 ABCs of Gratitude list is listed below. I find it interesting to compare my list to prior years. Looking back, some years had more ups, and other years had more downs. But in the end, I always found 26 blessings. This year is no different. Most of my days have ended with awe inspiring sunsets such as the one taken from my brother’s backyard deck in the country.

Angels on Duty Anthology…Angel by My Side poem

Angels on Duty

Board Director…DAR Seminole Chapter

Creative Genius Anthology…My Parkinson’s Muse essay

Creative Genius

Dineen…stress buster housekeeper

eBay Seller Plus…1000+ reviews

Fennelly State Poet Laureate…workshop leader

God…providing healing and hope for Judy

Highland Park Anthology…Power Struggle poem

Highland Park Anthology

Invigorate…Dr. Sarah King Parkinson’s exercises

Joe…my love, my rock, my partner

Kitties’ 8th Birthday…Grace, Chauncey, Rosebud, Tigger, Boots, Angus

6 Kitties, 4 weeks old

All Grown Up! Rosebud, Angus, Boots & Tigger

Grace & Chauncey

Lake Yellowstone Hotel…mountains and lake room view

Peacefulness–What a View!

Marsha at Perry Consulting…PD website diva

Nieto…compassionate doctor

Okun…internationally known movement disorder specialist

Parkinson’s My Way…website and blog launch

Quietude…meditative nature walks

Lane to Family House

Reunion…50 year high school class ‘68

School Teacher Mrs. Kice…special visit

June Kice. my 7th & 8th Grade Teacher

Ten Year Anniversary…member Daughters of the American Revolution

Uncles (great) Carl and Rupert…honor sacrifice 100 year WW

Honoring Rupert’s Place of Death, Naix, France

Vinnie Ream Award Finalist…Voice Within poetry collection

Wood Stairs…Nic’s skillful renovation

X-rays…caring Active Health Center 

Yellowstone National Park…trip with Joe for memory bank

pastel stone, water

Yellowstone Canyon

Zeal for Exercise…keeping Parkinson’s at bay






In September following Hurricane Irma’s knock out punch at my house, I sat in the dark dripping with perspiration and wrote a poem. Later I discovered “Electricity” was one of the categories in the Highland Park Poetry Challenge.

I am pleased to receive an Honorable Mention Award for my Adult Non-Resident entry Power Struggle. The poem is displayed at Highland Park Poetry through the end of April for National Poetry Month. Then it will be archived. You will find the poem as you stroll through a few pages of electricity poems.

The poem is also included in 2018 Poetry Challenge publication available at my Author Page on Amazon

A special thanks to Jennifer Dotson for all she is doing at Highland Park Poetry to promote and share poetry.


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